Cafe Carberry
Web design project overview – As part of an ongoing company expansion, Belfast based Carberry Catering commissioned veetoo to develop a web site that better reflected the high end nature of their products and services, and that would enhance their online reach.
Food photography to die for.
We developed a mobile friendly responsive site who’s uniqueness comes from the quality of food photography within. As our in-house photographer is experienced photographing for clients including Coca Cola and Tesco, we drove the web site’s look and feel with beautifully lit and composed photographs of ranges of dishes, supported by close-up shots showing the mouthwatering ingredients and textures within.
Complimenting this mobile friendly web site’s features, we integrated screen wide parallax images that ensured the site’s design stayed on the cutting edge of web design trends.
Social sharing – to maximise the client’s spend on photography, we built in sharing software (in the form of vertical social share buttons) allows visitors to the site to share the photo heavy pages with friends and colleagues worldwide.
Scroll down the page to see screen shots of the responsive web site we created for Carberry Catering Belfast.
Visit web site:

Project related services:
- Web Design
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
- Photography
- Content Management System

Web design portfolio